ተልክኾ ማሕበር፡
ሰባት ብወንጌል ተረቲዖም ንጐይታና የሱስ ከም መድሓኒኦምን ጐይታ ህይወቶምን ጌሮም ምእንቲ ክክቕበልዎ ወንጌል ምስባኽ። ንኹሉ ጐይታ ዚኣዘዞ እናምሃርካ ደቀ መዛሙርቲ ጐይታ ምግባር። ንግብሪ ኣገልግሎትን ንምህናጽ ስጋ ክርስቶስን ምሉኣት ኪዀኑ ምዕጣቕ። ማቴ.28፡19፣ ኤፌ.4፡11-13
ራእይ ማሕበር ፡
በቲ ጎይታና የሱስ ክርስቶስ ንማሕበሩ ዝሃቦ ዓቢ ተልእኾ ወንጌል ናብ ኣብ ከተማ ሳን-ሆዘን ኣከባቢኡን ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን ምብጻሕን ምግልጋልን።
ኣተገባብራ ተልእኾ፡
ነቲ ምሉእ ምኽሪ ኣምላኽ ዝኾነ ቃል ሓቂ ብቕንዕና ብምምሃርን ብምስባኽን ንኣመንቲ ብቃልብግብርን ናብ ብጽሕና ክርስቶስ ምዕባይ ከምኡውንንኣምላኽ ንኽብሪ ንሕብረተሰቦም ድማ እወታዊ ኣስተዋጽኦ ዘለዎም ምእንቲ ክኾኑ ምጉሳይ።
Win people over for Christ by preaching the gospel, making decibels by teaching all that Jesus commanded and building up believers to be effective ministers of the body of Christ.
Reaching out to and serve our Eritrean community in the San Jose bay area through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Teach and preach the full counsel of God with integrity, Caring for and supporting believers with their spiritual and earthly needs to help them grow into full stature of Christ and be productive members of our society for the glory of God.
© 2020 Hibret Kristos Church, San Jose, CA